Maya Cosmovision Immersion Program With Focus On Cacao! A Guided In Person Accompaniment Journey With Nana Marina Cruz
This "Acompañamiento" program will bring direct guidance and support from Nana Marina and her community elders. The native wisdom keepers will guide your journey to your personal spiritual path and respectful practices with Cacao according to the Maya tradition.
Each day there will be different types of ceremonies that deepen the true meaning of the medicine of Cacao. Cacao is an element of our connection with the sacred fire. Each participant will listen to the messages coming from the sacred Tobacco. It will be interpreted and connected by the guardians and experts of sacred Tobacco reading. One of our main objectives based on the tobacco reading and getting to know the person's intentions, it's to have elders with specific fields of expertise and experience, accompany and guide the person in this journey. This is not a retreat nor a Cacao facilitator program! We plan deep spiritual work, in order for you to embody and understand your mission.
The 9 months program starts (In Person) _date____ in Guatemala at the house of Tata Pedro Cruz's Family and continues (online) through ___date 2024___.
During the 9-month program, you will be guided into the depths of:
-The ceremonies according to the Maya tradition.
- The Sacred Maya Calendar(Cholq'ij) and the Nawales energies with a focus on Cacao.- You will discover your own individual journey and specialties according to your personal focus and gifts (Discover the Maya energy you personally were born with and have a sacred Maya reading of your nawal to guide you on your mission.)
-During this guidance program you will be supported in your spiritual and emotional balance for your well-being.
Any Inquiries about this Immersion Cacao guided Journey in Guatemala with Nana Marina & the Maya elders click here: